Divine Heart & Multispeciality Hospital In Lucknow | Book An Appointment

Address Viraj Khand - 5, Institutional Area, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow

Emergency No. +91-9839012715

pathology in lucknow

Pathology in Lucknow

Department is designed to include all the sub-specialities of laboratory medicine: Histo- and Cyto-Pathology Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Microbiology, Hematology &  Immunohematology. The department of pathology provides comprehensive support, expertise, and consultation services that facilitate clinical care in the hospital.


The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art cutting edge technology in the respective areas, from pneumatic chute system for delivery of patient samples, through fully automated analytical systems, to on-line delivery of patient reports, thus, encompassing all the phases of laboratory system – the pre-analytical, analytical and the post analytical phases.

While the aforementioned specialities work as independent units, they are integrated under one roof, to ensure uniform and efficient analysis and reporting of test results. Every speciality has highly qualified and reputed faculty and are equipped with state-of-the-art automated systems covering all aspects of laboratory –

  • the pre-analytical,
  • analytical and
  • the post analytical phases.

The department boasts of very well trained and expert faculty who not only provides expert consultative advice on the test results, but also, train medical and paramedical staff, promotes academic activities and conduct research in all disciplines’. The lab has a well-defined quality management system, including a stringent internal quality control programme, as well as participation in the national and international proficiency testing programmes in all specialities.

Histopathology & Cytopathology

The department of Histopathology and Cytopathology gives opinion on specimens from Gynecology, Urology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Respiratory Medicine.

The Cytopathology service is well equipped. Diagnostic facility is provided at Pathology in lucknow for gynecologic and Non -gynaecologic sample in shortest possible turnaround time.

Gynaecologic services include:

  • pap smear reporting (Bethesda 2001)
  • outsourced facilities for HPV testing and
  • liquid based thin prep PAP smear.

Non-gynecologic samples include:

  • cytology of fluids,
  • bronchial specimen,
  • CBD brushing,
  • USG guided and
  • CT guided FNA’s.
Pathology in Lucknow

Clinical Biochemistry

The Department of Biochemistry performs routine and specialized biochemical tests such as tumor markers, therapeutic drug monitoring and hormone assays. The turnaround time is as per the international standards.

Clinical Microbiology

The department of Microbiology has the latest and standardized equipments including BACTEC 9120, Phoenix BD Id/AST, MGIT960, Architect, Minineph, Minividas, etc. for rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases. The department also looks after the hospital infection control programme. Advanced diagnosis of infectious disorders is possible with well-equipped nucleic acid detection techniques.


The department of Haematology provides state-of-the-art investigative facility for comprehensive diagnosis of hematological disorders. The department comprises a core laboratory for routine laboratory tests and specialized facilities for study of haemostatic, haemolytic and oncologic disorders. Acid and alkaline eletrophoreses and haemoglobin HPLC are well developed for diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies.


Facilities Provided in Blood Bank

Antibody screening Diagnostic

o Direct Coombs
o Indirect Coombs

RH Screening for Transfusion Transmitted Infections for Blood donors

o Elisa for HIV
o Elisa  for HBSAg
o Elisa for HCV
o RPR for syphilis
o Malaria Antigen

Blood Processing –Component Separation

o Packed Red Blood Cells PRBC
o Leucoreduced Packed Red Blood Cells  L PRBC
o Platelet Concentrate PC
o Leucoreduced Platelet Concentrate  L PC
o Platelet  Rich Plasma  PRP
o Fresh Frozen Plasma   FFP
o Cryoprecipitate

Quality Management and Participation in EQAS

Every activity at BB follows a strict Standard Operating Procedure. Exclusive quality control is done to screen the reagents and kits that are used in the Blood bank. 1% of all blood components are subjected to Quality control analysis by in-house and Hospital laboratories. Quality assurance is ascertained to ensure supply of safe unit of blood

Hospital Transfusion Committee

o To monitor source of supply of Blood
o To promote Appropriate Clinical  use of Blood
o Audit usage of Blood
o Resident /Nursing Education and awareness on Recent advances in Transfusion medicine.

pathology in lucknow

Dr. Dipti Singh


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